I really enjoy teaching and demonstrating woodturning. I’m originally from Toulon in the South of France, but currently residing in Fort Collins, Colorado USA.
I am available to demonstrate and teach hands on classes on a variety of topics. I have experience teaching both partial day and week-long hands on classes and I love demonstrating whether it is in-person or remote for groups of any size. Most of the demonstrations can be turned into a class. For several years I taught Fundamentals of Woodturning and Spindle Turning and well as classes focused on my work at the Escoulen School in Aiguines, France. I have been an assistant to many well known professional woodturners and taught 3 day hands on classes alongside Trent Bosch.
I have demonstrated my techniques for clubs and symposiums in several countries. Being bilingual I can provide quality demonstrations in both English and French (with just a hint of an accent).
If you are interested in having me demonstrate or teach for your group, please contact me for availability.

Demonstration Topics:
- Miniature Hollow Forms – turning and hollowing small vessels.
- Miniature Teapots – turning and texturing a mini teapot.
- The Sphere – Turning and hollowing of a sphere.
- Spiral Carving – Carving and texturing a spiral pattern.
- Ploc!: Multi-Axis Drop – turning and carving a drop.
- The Rifts – turning and carving an illusion sculpture.
- Texturing with a Woodburner – everything you need to get started.
- All about French Tools – bedan, skew, and more bedan!
- Eccentric Candle Holder – fun project with something for each level.
To be added soon:
- The Escoulen Chuck N°3 – understanding the basics safely.
- Therming: The Manta Rays – turning three manta rays with a jig.
Detailed Demonstration Descriptions:

Miniature Hollow Forms
In this demo, we will be turning and hollowing several miniature hollow forms (varying in size and shape) using my signature Niclot Mini Hollowers. I will use different tools for the outside shape focusing on getting a nice cut. We will talk about how to gauge the thickness and I will give the audience the opportunity to choose from a variety of textures to add another element to the form. LEVEL: something for everybody

Miniature Teapots
Turning of a miniature teapot (approximately an inch) using the bedan and demonstration on how to use it with the bevel up for spindle turning, hollowing of the teapot with miniature hollowing tools. Then turning of the lid and the spout (magnifiers not included) and coloring using Indian ink and gilding wax to create the Damascus steel effect. Finally, demonstration on how the make the handle using a wire and a cotton string on the lathe. LEVEL: something for everybody

The Sphere :
Roughing out and turning of a perfect sphere between centers and remounting for the finishing using a jam chuck made out of green wood. Hollowing the sphere using small hollowing tools in a homemade chuck for a precise and safe method of hollowing. The sphere is a very pure shape but is also one of the most complicated. It is a great canvas for carving and texturing as well as a pleasant shape that will put forward the beauty of the wood grain.. LEVEL: something for everybody

Spiral Carving :
Using a previously turned form, drawing of a spiralling design, carving using power tools to make the design both concave and convex. Then, using a woodburner and rotary tools, texturing of the flutes and beads created. Then coloring the form with ink and gilding wax (optional). The techniques used in the presentation can be applied on a multitude of forms. The texturing possibilities presented will open the participants minds and encourage them to try these techniques with whatever tools they have available, without having to procure specific burrs. LEVEL: Something for everybody

Ploc! Multi- Axis Drop:
Turning and turning off-center of a drop using a spindle gouge and a skew. Then carving of the top of the drop using gouges and rasps to make it thinner and have two different curves on the back and the front giving it an illusion of movement. And finally, texturing of the drop using a woodburner to create a Steampunk design, a combination of gears and metal plates, and coloring using Indian ink and gilding wax. LEVEL: something for everybody

The Rifts
In this demo I am going to show you how to turn a square piece of wood, held by hot glue on a piece of MDF. I will hollow this piece using a homemade tool, to be able to insert another piece with a different texture and create the illusion that the piece is torn in the center, revealing what is hidden inside. Then I am going to carve this piece using the Arbortech and make the piece look like a cloth. I will show you how I use carving gouges to complete the sculpture of the cloth effect. Finally, I will burn it and sand it creating an interesting texture, and getting rid of the imperfections of the carving. Finally, I will tell you my secret to hold the second piece inside the bigger one and how to make it look like it was there the whole time! LEVEL: something for everybody + optional advanced techniques.

Texturing with a Woodburner
In this demonstration I will texture a piece of wood using the woodburner to carve and create an illusion of a different material. I will show you how to create a steampunk design (metal plates, gears, screws…) but also show rapidly how to make the wood look like stone, eggshell, leather… This demonstration is about showing the possibility of the woodburner used to carve and not just draw on the wood, and then how to use acrylic paints and the dry brushing to color the pattern created to make the illusion as close to reality as it can get. LEVEL: something for everybody

All about French tools!
In this demonstration I will show you different techniques using different tools that are part of the traditional French woodturning. I will start with the roughing gouge, explaining the advantages of this gouge over a bowl gouge and when you should or should not use it. I will follow with using the bedan as a very effective parting tool, then I will show you how to use it for shaping and why it is the best tools for spindle turning and traditional turning. I will also show you how to use the skew to make longer shapes like on a table leg, and explain why it makes the best and cleanest surface.
I will also demonstrate how to use the spindle gouge both for spindle turning and for hollowing end-grain. I will use it for sheer scraping and I will show you the upper cut to make a shaving and rough out a hollowing extremely fast and effortlessly.
This demonstration will be focused on technique and safety, I will only show you exercises so you can have the best understanding of the movement of the tools and of the body to use them as efficiently as you can. LEVEL: something for everybody + optional advanced techniques.

Eccentric Candle Holder
In this demonstration I will show you how to turn a little end-grain bowl out of green wood, and how to use the Escoulen Chuck N°3 to cut several notches. The bowl will rest on the side with a candle inside and light passing through the cuts will create a nice effect.
I will be using different tools to show you a wide range of techniques for woodturners of every level, the spindle gouge and the bedan to shape the outside, then the skew to make the cuts in excentric, and finally the spindle gouge, scrapers and the bowl gouge to hollow the end-grain using different techniques like the upper cut. This demonstration will be centered on techniques and safety, I want you to learn as much I can show you and understand the basics of the Escoulen chuck to be able to use it safely at home. LEVEL: something for everybody + optional advanced techniques.

Escoulen chuck N°3
In this demonstration I will be showing you how to use the Escoulen chuck N°3 with two little projects :
-Using the bedan and a parting tool, to create a foot for another piece or a masterpiece in itself.
-Turning of a three sided piece for a box or a vase using the roughing gouge.
This demonstration will focus on how to use the chuck safely, how to offset a piece of wood and create steps on a single offset circle. For that I will use a whiteboard to explain the process of excentric and to allow the audience to understand how to measure, draw and figure out how to set up the chuck to create what they can imagine. LEVEL: advanced techniques.

Therming: The Manta Rays
In this demonstration I will be using a homemade therming jig to turn three manta rays at the same time. I will show you how to safely mount your pieces on it, balancing them to be able to turn at a decent speed without risks. Then I will turn three sides of the piece and create the back, the belly and the head of the creature. The side of the stinger will be cut at the bandsaw because it is the most dangerous part. I will show you how to refine the shape and explain how to make the stinger out of green wood and the process of bending it.
As always, safety will be the main focus of the demonstration. LEVEL: advanced techniques.
I’ve watched 3 or 4 of your demos for myself, mostly through Trent’s website, but I’m also program manager and VP for an Ohio woodturning club (COW -Central Ohio Woodturners,) so I would like to know what your price is for a an IRD demo. I’m actively planning for 2021, all on line.
I’ve greatly enjoyed your demos, by the way, and learned a good deal.
tOm R